Monday Life Drawing – Welcome Back!
The convenors and the Club have devised a plan, to provide a safe, accessible environment for participants and models while adhering to current COVID-19 regulations.
Our Plan
Dates: Monday October 18, 2021 thru Monday December 13, 2021.
Time: 10 am – 1 pm. (3 hours, no lunch break). The hall will open at 9:30am. The doors will be locked at 9:55 am so we can start at 10 am sharp. Come early. There is a screening process. BRING PROOF** OF DOUBLE VAC AND ID EACH TIME.
Price: Members $17; Non-members $20. The price reflects rising costs associated with smaller number of participants, additional COVID-related work and model fees. Purchase of a pass at this time is not available.
Mandatory on-line registration and payment: Heliconian members register the Tuesday or Wednesday before the Monday session, after which registration is open to the public until Sunday. No walk-ins allowed. Registration for the Monday October 18 session starts Tuesday October 12, 2021. Visit the Heliconian website:
Fixed work stations: There are only 15 work stations with drawing boards, most with two chairs, three with an easel and chair. Upon arrival, proceed to a station and set up your materials. Physical distancing is required.
Hall set-up: Staff is responsible for set up and teardown. The model stage is in the centre of the hall. Our main floor washroom is for everyone’s use. Entry to the hall is through the front door facing Hazelton. The side door entry, office, boardroom and basement - including the washrooms - are out of bounds.
Masks: Participants MUST wear a mask at all times when in the hall. The model must wear a mask unless we use the screens between model and participants. Our model must feel comfortable during the session.
Breaks: Refreshments will not be provided. Participants may bring their own drinks and snacks, but consume them outdoors. There is a filtered water dispenser installed outside the main floor washroom. Bring your own container.
**proof of full series of COVID 19 vaccine or combination of COVID-19 vaccines approved by World Health Organization received at least 14 days before the event, as well as ID that contains your date of birth and your name matching the vaccine receipt. If vaccinated in Ontario, only proof of SECOND shot required. Vaccinated elsewhere - bring proof of all shots.